The code - A Simplified version of code

'The code' - A Simplified version of code for easy understanding

'The Code'

(Platform 1.1 understand and act in accordance with the Code: Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives and nursing associates, and fulfil all registration requirements) 

You will be tested your knowledge about 'the code' in your CBT exam

As an overseas trained nurse, you need to understand what the NMC is expected from you to practice as a registered nurse in the UK. If you don't understand 'The code' and any action that you do in your practice that is not in compliance with the code can risk your registration. 

Therefore, all overseas registered nurses must understand the Code before you work as a registered nurse in the UK. Understanding the code not only helps you to pass CBT but also helps you to practice safely. ONT-UK  simplified the Code without losing its aim and objective however, you need to read and understand the actual code from the below link.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) provides guidance and professional standards that registered nurses and midwives must uphold. It is very important that you read 'The Code' a few times before proceeding with this course.

The Code contains a series of statements that taken together signify what good nursing and midwifery practice looks like. It puts the interests of patients and service users first, is safe and effective, and promotes trust through professionalism.

The NMC says  "The  Code reflects the world in which we live and work today and the changing roles and expectations of nurses and midwives. It is structured around four themes – prioritize people, practice effectively, preserve safety and promote professionalism and trust. 

Developed in collaboration with many who care about good nursing and midwifery, the Code can be used by nurses and midwives as a way of reinforcing their professionalism. Failure to comply with the Code may bring their fitness to practice into question" (Reference:

The Code is divided into four domains:

I. Prioritise people
II. Practice Effectively
III. Preserve Safety
IV. Promote Professionalism and Trust

Prioritise people

You put the interests of people using or needing nursing or midwifery services first. You make their care and safety your main concern and make sure that their dignity is preserved and their needs are recognized, assessed and responded to. You make sure that those receiving care are treated with respect, that their rights are upheld and that any discriminatory attitudes and behaviours towards those receiving care are challenged.

Practice effectively

You assess need and deliver or advise on treatment, or give help (including preventative or rehabilitative care) without too much delay and to the best of your abilities, on the basis of the best evidence available and best practice. You communicate effectively, keeping clear and accurate records and sharing skills, knowledge, and experience where appropriate. You reflect and act on any feedback you receive to improve your practice.

Preserve safety

You make sure that patient and public safety is protected. You work within the limits of your competence, exercising your professional ‘duty of candour’ and raising concerns immediately whenever you come across situations that put patients or public safety at risk. You take necessary action to deal with any concerns where appropriate.

Promote professionalism and trust

You uphold the reputation of your profession at all times. You should display a personal commitment to the standards of practice and behaviour set out in the Code. You should be a model of integrity and leadership for others to aspire to. This should lead to trust and confidence in the profession from patients, people receiving care, other healthcare professionals and the public.

Fundamentals of care

This covers the essential aspects of caring for a patient, including making sure that a patient has adequate access to nutrition and hydration.

The duty of candour

Nurses and midwives should be open and honest with colleagues, patients and healthcare regulators when things go wrong.

Raising concerns

Nurses and midwives should raise concerns without delay if they are aware of a threat to patient safety or public protection.

Delegation and accountability

Nurses and midwives should make sure that they delegate tasks and duties appropriately, and that those to whom they delegate complete tasks to the required standard.

The professional duty to take action in an emergency

Nurses and midwives should take action in an emergency when off-duty, within the limits of their competence.

Social media use

Nurses and midwives should use social media responsibly, in line with NMC guidance.

The Code also makes clear that responsibility for those receiving care lies not only with the nurse or midwife providing hands-on care, but also with those nurses and midwives working in policy, education and management roles. The Code contains a series of statements that taken together signify what good nursing and midwifery practice looks like. It puts the interests of patients and service users first, is safe and effective, and promotes trust through professionalism.

Please read the full version of the code online -  You will have CBT questions based on the Code

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