How the CBT exam contents have been structured?
NMC New registration standard (Future Nurse Curriculum)
New standards of proficiency (Future Nurse Curriculum) for registered nurses were approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council at its meeting on 28 March 2018. This future Nurse curriculum is implementing for Overseas Nurses for their CBT test starting from August 2021. Implementing a new curriculum was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As per NMC, the future nurse curriculum consists of 7 platforms followed by two annexes.
Together, new pre-nursing registration reflects what NMC expects a newly registered nurse to know and be capable of doing safely and proficiently at the start of their career. NMC is also expecting overseas nurses to meet this standard before they register with them. Therefore, CBT for overseas nurses updated based on this new curriculum.
ONT-UK designed this CBT course based on this new registration standard including 1- 7 platforms and two annexes. Our updated practice questions and Mock tests also based on the new standards by NMC.
Key components of the roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities of registered nurses are described under each of the seven platforms. NMC believes that this approach provides clarity to the public and the professions about the core knowledge and skills that they can expect every registered nurse trained in overseas to demonstrate.
These proficiencies will provide new graduates/newly registered overseas nurses into the profession with the knowledge and skills they need at the point of registration which they will build upon as they gain experience in practice and fulfil their professional responsibility to continuously update their knowledge and skills.
The platforms are:
1. Being an accountable professional
2. Promoting health and preventing ill health
3. Assessing needs and planning care
4. Providing and evaluating care
5. Leading and managing nursing care and working in teams
6. Improving safety and quality of care
7. Coordinating care
The outcome statements for each platform have been designed to apply across all four fields of nursing practice (adult, children, learning disabilities, mental health) and all care settings. This is because registered nurses must be able to meet the person-centered, holistic care needs of the people they encounter in their practice who may be at any stage of life and who may have a range of mental, physical, cognitive or behavioral health challenges.
Nurses must be able to demonstrate a greater depth of knowledge and the additional more advanced skills required to meet the specific care needs of people in their chosen fields of nursing practice.
The annexes to these standards of proficiency are presented in two sections. The annexes provide a description of what registered nurses should be able to demonstrate they can do at the point of registration in order to provide safe nursing care.
Annexe A specifies the communication and relationship management skills required, and Annexe B specifies the nursing procedures that registered nurses must demonstrate that they are able to perform safely.
Platform 1: Being an accountable professional
Registered nurses act in the best interests of people, putting them first and providing nursing care that is person-centred, safe, and compassionate. They act professionally at all times and use their knowledge and experience to make evidence-based decisions about care. They communicate effectively, are role models for others, and are accountable for their actions. Registered nurses continually reflect on their practice and keep abreast of new and emerging developments in nursing, health, and care.
Platform 2: Promoting health and preventing ill health
Registered nurses play a key role in improving and maintaining the mental, physical and behavioral health and well-being of people, families, communities, and populations. They support and enable people at all stages of life and in all care settings to make informed choices about how to manage health challenges in order to maximise their quality of life and improve health outcomes. They are actively involved in the prevention of and protection against disease and ill health and engage in public health, community development, and global health agendas, and in the reduction of health inequalities.
Platform 3: Assessing needs and planning care
Registered nurses prioritise the needs of people when assessing and reviewing their mental, physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, and spiritual needs. They use information obtained during assessments to identify the priorities and requirements for person-centred and evidence-based nursing interventions and support. They work in partnership with people to develop person-centred care plans that take into account their circumstances, characteristics, and preferences.
Platform 4: Providing and evaluating care
Registered nurses take the lead in providing evidence-based, compassionate, and safe nursing interventions. They ensure that the care they provide and the delegate is person-centered and of a consistently high standard.
They support people of all ages in a range of care settings. They work in partnership with people, families and carers to evaluate whether care is effective and the goals of care have been met in line with their wishes, preferences, and desired outcomes.
Platform 5: Leading and managing nursing care and working in teams
Registered nurses provide leadership by acting as a role models for best practice in the delivery of nursing care. They are responsible for managing nursing care and are accountable for the appropriate delegation and supervision of care provided by others in the team including lay carers. They play an active and equal role in the interdisciplinary team, collaborating and communicating effectively with a range of colleagues.
Platform 6: Improving safety and quality of care
Registered nurses make a key contribution to the continuous monitoring and quality improvement of care and treatment in order to enhance health outcomes and people’s experience of nursing and related care. They assess risks to safety or experience and take appropriate action to manage those, putting the best interests, needs, and preferences of people first.
Platform 7: Coordinating care
Registered nurses play a leadership role in coordinating and managing the complex nursing and integrated care needs of people at any stage of their lives, across a range of organisations and settings. They contribute to processes of organisational change through an awareness of local and national policies.
Annexe A: Communication and relationship management skills
The communication and relationship management skills that a newly registered nurse must be able to demonstrate in order to meet the proficiency outcomes outlined in the main body of this document are set out in this annexe.
Effective communication is central to the provision of safe and compassionate person-centred care. Registered nurses in all fields of nursing practice must be able to demonstrate the ability to communicate and manage relationships with people of all ages with a range of mental, physical, cognitive and behavioural health challenges.
Those skills outlined in Annexe A, Section 3: Evidence-based, best practice communication skills and approaches for providing therapeutic interventions also apply to all registered nurses, but the level of expertise and knowledge required will vary depending on the chosen field of practice. Registered nurses must be able to demonstrate these skills to an appropriate level for their intended field(s) of practice.
Annexe B: Nursing procedures
The nursing procedures that a newly registered nurse must be able to demonstrate in order to meet the proficiency outcomes, outlined in the main body of this document, are set out in this annexe.
The registered nurse must be able to undertake these procedures effectively in order to provide compassionate, evidence-based person-centred nursing care. A holistic approach to the care of people is essential and all nursing procedures should be carried out in a way which reflects cultural awareness and ensures that the needs, priorities, expertise and preferences of people are always valued and taken into account.
The nursing procedures within this annexe are set out in two sections. These requirements are relevant to all fields of nursing practice although it is recognised that different care settings may require different approaches to the provision of care. It is expected that these procedures would be assessed in a student’s chosen field of practice where practicable.
Those procedures outlined in Annexe B, Part I: Procedures for assessing needs for person-centred care, sections 1 and 2 also apply to all registered nurses, but the level of expertise and knowledge required will vary depending on the chosen field(s) of practice. Registered nurses must therefore be able to demonstrate the ability to undertake these procedures at an appropriate level for their intended field(s) of practice